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Logo of Ross University School of Medicine

Ross University School of Medicine

Off-Campus Housing - Dominica

Login Refine Search

Create Your Account

Here's a breakdown of the steps to set up your account:

Step 1 - Tell us about yourself:
  • Enter your first name, last name, and contact phone number.
  • If you're representing a company, property manager, college, or university, there's a toggle to provide more information.
Step 2 - Create your login credentials:
  • Enter a valid email address. This will be your username for logging in later.
  • Create a strong password that includes lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and special characters. Strong passwords help keep your account secure.
Step 3 - Enter your contact address:
  • Provide your full contact address. This may be different from the rental unit address you'll be listing on the platform (if applicable).
Step 4 - Company Information
  • If you are creating a company, property manager or university account, please provide the business name and description on Step 4.
  • Note: the description, website and other details may be filled out at a later time.

Note: To ensure a smooth experience, please use your correct contact information when filling out this form. Later, when you create your listing, you'll have the option to display alternative contact information if you prefer to keep your personal details private. We take your privacy seriously and never share or sell any information you provide on this form.


Personal Information






Company Information

Personal Information
Please fill in the phone number you would like to be contacted at. This must be a 10 digit phone number.
This will be used for verification of your account
This is the address YOU live - This is for account setup only.
You will add your listing address when you add your property later.
Please fill in your full street address. This is for account setup only.
You will add your listing address when you add your property later.
Company Information